The Marketing Resolutions You Need to Make for 2022
Add focus, clarity and purpose to your brand
2022 is here which means it's time for New Year's Resolutions!
And no, not the "I'm going to lose 15 pounds" kind of resolution. I'm talking about the ones for your business.
We create resolutions to add focus, clarity and purpose to our year. And that's exactly what we need as we work towards accomplishing our goals.
Marketing your brand can be overwhelming, stressful, and sometimes frustrating. But with these 3 resolutions below, you can change that. You can change the way you approach marketing so that it's targeted, strategic... and successful!
1. I will focus my efforts on my customer's journey with my brand and optimize each step of the path to earn their know, like and trust.
When you truly understand the path you take your audience through as they interact with your brand from that initial first impression to becoming a loyal devotee, everything falls into place. This path is your golden ticket to a successful brand. It builds over time. Every step is important. And the payoff is huge.
It is my wish for you in this next year that you take the time to look at the data and talk with your followers and your clients to learn how they experience your brand. When you know what IS working, you can stop focusing on what ISN'T. Spend your efforts optimizing the steps of the Know, Like, Trust path for your unique audience and forget everything else!
2. I will define my brand identity so that I stay true to who I am and have a consistent brand voice.
I hear it so often from my fellow entrepreneurs. They don't know how to stand out from the crowd or attract their ideal audience. It all comes down to your brand identity, being authentic, consistent and sticking to your values.
No one else has your unique brand story, your visual identity or packages content the way you do. But that's just one side of it. Your brand identity also reflects your values and your boundaries. Take the time to think through what your brand isn't. What do you feel comfortable sharing, and what would you rather keep to yourself. Knowing who you aren't is just as important as who you are.
And once you have your brand identity defined, show up consistently with it.
3. I will simplify my marketing by sticking to the systems and tools that make me more efficient and avoid the "shiny pennies' that take me off track from my goals.
Marketing can be simple and efficient. Set your goals and your strategies (stay tuned tomorrow for how to do that!) and you are good to go, right? In theory, yes. But without the right tools and automations designed to make things more efficient, it's hard.
Additionally, we are often pulled in different directions taking us off track of those goals. We get hooked by an email suggesting a new strategy or watch an Instagram Live where someone is sharing what works for them. So we deter from our strategy to try the new thing. The shiny penny. This year let's make a pact to avoid those shiny pennies together!
And if you are looking for the right marketing systems and tools to help you stay productive, you can grab mine here.
So what do you think? Are these 3 resolutions something you could take on for 2022? What else would you add to the list? I’d love to hear! DM me and let me know!
Are you ready to tackle these resolutions head-on? My Signature Brand + Marketing Revamp does just that. Transform your marketing strategies and define and optimize your customer journey so you start the new year off with a bang!