Get The Brand and Marketing Support You Need

Have you been looking to nail your brand and marketing once and for all?⁠

⁠I help entrepreneurs and small businesses craft an authentic brand and create an effortless marketing strategy that will have their customers ordering another round.

Instead of working with multiple consultants and service providers for your branding, messaging, social media, lead generation, website design or content marketing, why not work with one person who really gets to know you, your brand, and your goals?

Here are 4 ways to work with me to do just that!⁠


Are you launching a new business and want to come out of the gate winning? Have you shifted focus so your current branding is no longer working for you? My three-part brand recipe takes your brand from seed to launch to growth! We don’t stop at the branding, we build out your marketing channels and create a strategy to attract your ideal audience.

  • Develop your full brand identity

We nail your look and feel and create a brand voice that personifies you and your business. New business? We’ll get clear on your vision and audience to develop a naming strategy and a creative brief to work with a graphic designer on your logo. Looking for an upgrade? We’ll update your audience personas and revamp your messaging to align with your new business goals.

  • Set up your marketing channels

Your marketing tools are your brand’s biggest assets. After all, the only way to build your brand is to talk about it!  We’ll set up the marketing channels that are right for your brand. No decision fatigue here. From mapping out your website and email marketing to establishing your social media presence, we’ll focus only on the tools that will have the biggest impact without spreading your brand too thin.

  • Create a marketing and content strategy for your launch and beyond!⁠

When your brand is ready to launch, we give it the full grand opening fanfare to attract your audience right off the bat. But we don’t just pour one cocktail and call it done.  An action plan will capitalize on the momentum from your launch. With a compelling content menu, community outreach, and efficient marketing systems, you’ll continue to serve and bring in new customers on autopilot long after your launch. 


Transform your marketing strategies and enhance your customer journey in one day!⁠ At the end of your VIP experience, you’ll have strategies to connect and engage with your audience at every point in their journey, take back your time by focusing your efforts on what matters, and simplify your marketing while growing your brand and hitting those revenue goals.

  • A comprehensive audit of your brand and online presence⁠

⁠It’s important to understand where you are now before we can plan where we are going. So I start a comprehensive audit of your brand assets, what story you are telling and how you are showing up online. I look for strengths and how to leverage them, as well as opportunities to improve how you portray the value of your business to existing and potential customers or clients.

  • Create a marketing strategy based on your brand story, customer journey, and key marketing channels⁠

⁠Now we are ready to create the marketing strategy that will take your customers on a journey through the Know, Like, Trust Audience Path. I divide it into three parts: Brand Story, Customer Journey and Marketing Channels. I’ll develop the audience personas which will factor into the brand story. Then I’ll develop a set of customized recommendations based on your goals for how to build your audience and keep them engaged. Finally, we’ll lay out a marketing and content strategy for each of the marketing channels in the customer journey.

  • Develop a step-by-step action plan with specific tactics, guidelines, and content suggestions to build your marketing infrastructure and achieve your brand goals⁠

⁠Finally, I develop an action plan that can start to be implemented right away. It includes tactics, guidelines, and content suggestions for your overall branding and each marketing channel (website, social media, traditional media, email, paid ads, etc) in the strategy. The action plan starts with building any necessary infrastructure first and then creates the systems to start attracting and nurturing new audiences while keeping your current audiences engaged. It’s a step-by-step plan that is meant to be manageable and doable within your time and resources constraints.


Get the support, expertise and accountability to take your marketing to the next level. ⁠With my coaching plans, I go behind the bar with you during weekly calls as we work through your action plan to brainstorm, troubleshoot or roll up our sleeves and get to work to tackle your tasks.⁠ This is a great option for someone who has already gone through my Craft Your Brand or Market Your Brand services and wants continued guidance. Or perhaps you are ready to tackle your marketing on your own but you don’t want to go at it alone! My customizable coaching plans are here to help.


No time or feeling stuck? I can take the big brand or marketing task off your hand with my à la carte services.⁠ I love craft cocktails made specifically to my taste and can do the same for you. From conducting a brand and online presence audit to developing your key messages and core content, designing your website, setting up your automation, drafting a welcome series to developing your content strategy. My 20 years of experience in brand, marketing and public relations can give you that added edge you need to finally take that task off your to-do list. Each engagement, big or small, is designed specifically for each client. Cozy up to the bar and let's make some magic together.

My shop of tools and resources can help simplify your brand and marketing tasks. ⁠From freebies to help you design a brand that feels authentic to you, to low-cost digital systems created to help make your marketing effortless. These are tools that I use myself and use with my signature services. If you are looking to build out your marketing systems to make your work more efficient and effective, these tools are for you.

⁠⁠Are you ready to shake up your brand and marketing? Every project starts with a conversation between us. Fill out the form here to schedule a call!

Kristin Lawton

Ready to grow your brand and get a handle on your social media once and for all without a ton of work?

Then you need Kristin Lawton behind the bar with you. As chief brand mixologist for the District Brand Bar, Kristin uses her decades of experience directing marketing and branding strategies to help small business owners see results for their bottom line. She distills down an otherwise time-consuming process into a simple-to-implement tailored brand recipe. Her work with businesses and sole entrepreneurs gets results. Her action plans get you organized to effectively share compelling content and engage with your customers online, driving traffic to meet your revenue goals.

When not boosting engagement on Instagram, you’ll find her behind her home bar creating a new cocktail or embracing her adventurous spirit in and around Washington, DC with a new restaurant, new travel destination or new hike.

The 6 Content Intentions to help Focus Your Content Marketing


Craft your Brand's Key Messages (with free template)